Thanks for Another Great Year!

Thank you for your interest in the Recovery Lounge. Since its founding in 2005, the Upper Jay Art Center, a non-profit organization, has been embraced by a generous community of donors committed to supporting our efforts to present a diverse selection of musical acts and performance art and to produce quality theater.
Please consider joining this group by making a gift to the Upper Jay Art Center. Whatever you can give will be greatly appreciated. Our work is only possible because of donors like you. Thank you!
$25 Pay It Forward: $25 is like paying a full ticket price for a friend!
$50 Jam Ham: If you're familiar with our January Jams open mic series, you know that each week we provide the biggest ham we can find. $50 is a ham for a jam!
$250 Pump Dump: (We're being a bit "cheeky" with this one.) $250 is about what it costs for us to pump our septic system.
$500 Guest Artist: $500 helps compensate the artists who make our creative offerings happen.
$750 Concert: This is about what a night of live music in The Recovery Lounge costs to produce.
$1,000 One Night of Theatre Performance: This is roughly what it costs to produce one night of our high quality, innovative, theatre performances.
$5,000 Full Theatre Production: This gift is pretty close to the full cost of one of our fully produced theatre productions, with 4-6 nights of performances.
Need Advice on Giving?
Amounts: Donations of all amounts are meaningful to us and help us fulfill our mission, but the categories above are some common giving amounts and some ideas on how they push us forward in serving our community.
Frequency: We have a schedule of two fundraising appeals per year (one in the Spring and one at the end of the year), but accept and appreciate donations whenever. Sustained, consistent, support with annual giving is really what allows us to think broadly, and create ambitious programming.